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Our Classes*

What is Pelvic Floor Anyway?

An introduction to pelvic anatomy, function and dysfunction.


Squeeze with that Sneeze! Tips for Leak-Free Laughing and Living

Explaining the 'why', 'what', and 'how do I get better' of stress urinary incontinence.


Know that "Gotta GO" feeling? We Do, too. Let's Talk.

Explaining overactive bladder, urinary urgency/urge incontinence and frequency, and approaches to its resolution.


Mind & Body in the Bedroom: Understanding Female Sexual Health & Response

Addressing the issues of desire, arousal and sexual pain. 


PAIN Series


Part I-What Pain Tells Us...and Can it be Trusted?

What to know about and do during pregnancy to protect Mom's body in the short and long term.


Part II-Pelvic Pain: What sets it Apart, What Helps us Heal?

One of the two courses for people experiencing pain, this one focused on the similarities and differences between types of pelvic pain, including etiologies and strategies for recovery.





What to know about and do during pregnancy to protect Mom's body in the short and long term.



A combination of exercise and education to help restore strength and function to Mom's body after baby - its the pelvic floor, and so much more!!



*Currently all courses being taught are targeting a female audience. We look forward to introducing a Male Pelvic Health course in the near future!!

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